WARNING - The Domain Name translight-tlc has not been authorized to be used by any other entity whatsoever. All authorized Distributors and other Entities legally connected with TransLight Corp are shown within this website. On September 16, 2009, we were notified by 'West Technology Limited' of Hong Kong - http://www.wtl.hk.cn that an entity named 'Lastrine Holding Limited' applied to register nine (9) 'translight-tlc' domain names with different IPO names. 'West Technology Limited' was directed not to register any entity with the Domain Name of 'translight-tlc'. However, be forewarned that any other website with the Domain Name of 'translight-tlc' is an unauthorized infringement, and not connected with http://www.translight-tlc.com or Owner TransLight Corp, Jacksonville, Florida USA in any legal way.